Olympus Core-value Internalization

#core_value_internalization #vision #management_philosophy #organizational_culture #Olympustic #case_study #company-wide_training #open_learning #self-driven_participation #organization_vitalization #game_learning
Who is it for?
The program was designed for any members of the organization, regardless of positions or roles.
What is it for?
To establish ‘One Olympus’ through the mutual perspective on the organization’s vision and management principles, indoor game-learning contents of 4 modules were developed as the internalization program.
Wrap-up workshop was also developed to facilitate participants’ reflective learning on the importance of core values and how the core-values can influence the decision-making, organizational culture, and work process for achieving organizational objectives. The program aims for participants to fully understand what it is like to be the ‘Olympustic’ person.
How was it developed and implemented?
The program consists of 4 different modules. Each module has a playtime of 1~3 hours, and it can be played separately. 4~6 players can play as a team for each module.
THE MOMENT module introduces various real-life cases of Olympus. It is a board game that lets players know about their standards (or core-values) when making decisions. Throughout the play, players continuously debate understanding the difference between obedience and dedication and how they could implement what they have learned in the workplace.
CARD COLLECTOR module introduces situations that the objectives of the organization and individual contradict (or possibly contradict). The participants will experience the cycle process of ‘experience-trust-act-resolve’ and learn how the organizational culture is formed.
HIDDEN MISSION module uses Lego Blocks to complete both organizational and individual objectives. The players will discover the difference between obedience and dedication depending on which objectives they put the priority on.
FEEDBACK CARD module is a card game module that will sum-up the learnings on the core values and lead to the wrap-up workshop. Based on the positive psychology, participants will learn how positive communication and interaction will lead to the extra positive effects on the individuals and organizations through their self-directed participation and immersion to the game. After the game, a wrap-up workshop is held by the expert facilitators.
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add. 06222 6F Arena Bld., 425, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea tel. 82 2 545 7234 fax. 82 2 545 6230 mail. info@theplaycompany.co.kr
Corporate registration number. 592-86-00430 CEO. Yoon Jung Kang
© 2022 theplaycompany all rights reserved
add. 06222 6F Arena Bld., 425, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
tel. 82 2 545 7234 fax. 82 2 545 6230
mail. info@theplaycompany.co.kr
Corporate registration number. 592-86-00430
CEO. Yoon Jung Kang
© 2022 theplaycompany all rights reserved