"When was the best learning moment for you in your life?"
Asked this question, most people recall an aha-moment full of awe or inspiration that came after an intense experience. No one, however, recalls course material like Powerpoint slides or textbooks. This means that the impact of learning depends heavily not on the material itself but on the way it is delivered – this also means that the effectiveness of education can differ greatly based on the learning experience itself.
But how do most of our learning experiences look like today? Are they strategically designed, or are they like how they’ve always been – a strict divide between the trainer and the trainee, where the material is delivered one-directionally from the trainer to the trainee, and most of the trainee feedback consist only of short ‘thank you’s?
theplaycompany is a professional learning experience design group, where we design content-centric learning experience instead of trainer-centric learning experience. We design our content to motivate our trainees to actively participate, make cognitive decisions with resulting actions during the learning experience. The diverse processes and outputs created through this exercise is then discussed in an interactive way with professional facilitators, which in turn increases the trainees’ meta-cognition and stimulates his/her motivations for self-growth. More substantial trainee feedback than the typical ‘thank you’ – meaning feedbacks such as “I tried this out myself and really felt xxx, which made me realize yyy”, or “I feel like I should now change xyz and try this out really in my daily work” only come from actual experiences. Such self-motivated learning experiences result in not only individual growth but also lead to positive organizational dynamic change (especially in corporate environments), such as increased employee satisfaction and loyalty.
theplaycompany offers three core areas of service under learning experience design
Content Creation
Workshop/Training Facilitation
Experience Design & Gamification Consulting
Content Creation
theplaycompany creates unique, gamification theory-based proprietary content, aimed to maximize immersion through trainee-centric learning experience teaching methods.
We focus on content development optimized for various training topics and messages such as leadership, collaboration & teamwork, strategy, creative problem solving, communication, change/performance management – and also create customized content that addresses our clients’ specific needs or issues, including but not limited to corporate core values, innovation mindset and corporate culture management.
Based on more than ten years of development know-how, the/playcompany creates high-quality content and oversees the entire process from planning, development, design to printing and production. We also help our clients to maximize the training & delivery effectiveness by offering full-service Facilitator Training Packages, which include workshop learning material, execution guidebook and facilitator training.

Workshop/Training Facilitation
theplaycompany offers a wide spectrum of curricula that spans various topics of learning experience content, including leadership, collaboration, strategy, creative problem solving, communication, conflict management and change/performance management. Our professional trainees and facilitator groups lead, moderate and facilitate workshops or training sessions for various types of clients, such as big corporations, SMEs, government entities, NGOS, universities and academic foundations.

Learning Experience Design & Gamification Consulting
According to a research published in SHRM Society for Human Resource Management (Franz Gilbert, 2019 Deloitte Consulting LLP), 94% of Fortune 500 companies have adopted gamification in their HR platforms. If you’d like to maximize your employees’ (or a certain group of trainees’) voluntary, proactive participation and encourage positive motivation through fun, achievement and immersion, we recommend our integrated experience design consulting that are based on gamification theories.

add. 06222 6F Arena Bld., 425, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea tel. 82 2 545 7234 fax. 82 2 545 6230 mail. info@theplaycompany.co.kr
Corporate registration number. 592-86-00430 CEO. Yoon Jung Kang
© 2022 theplaycompany all rights reserved
add. 06222 6F Arena Bld., 425, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
tel. 82 2 545 7234 fax. 82 2 545 6230
mail. info@theplaycompany.co.kr
Corporate registration number. 592-86-00430
CEO. Yoon Jung Kang
© 2022 theplaycompany all rights reserved