I’m the team leader

#core_value_internalization #management_principle_internalization #case_study #open_learning #self-driven_participation #organization_revitalization #game_learning
Who is it for?
The program is designed for any members of the organization, regardless of their positions or roles.
What is it?
The program was designed as an indoor game-learning program to internalize participants with the organization’s core-value (or management principles). Actual case studies are melted into the game for the players to think and connect each case with the organization’s core-value (or management principles). Even with different cases, every player can use the core-value with different perspectives and make decisions to experience a variety of possible viewpoints. The program facilitates discussion between the players for them to share their own perspectives in different cases. Affiliate companies can add their customized case cards to maximize the immersion and learning outcome and can also add specific cases of the participants to maximize the learning transfer.
This program was also customized for Hankook Tire, Nongshim Group, Kolon Group, Daemyung Group, Pan-Pacific Group, Samjong Accounting (KPMG), and more as part of their company-wide training programs.
How was it developed and is being held?
The program can consist of 5~6 players per single set with 1.5~2 hours of playtime.
Participants will take the role as both the team leader and the member throughout the game, and must present their analysis and decisions to match with the core value. When you play as the team leader, you must listen to all of the presentations given by the members and decide who gets the extra points. The roles are shifted for each turn.
As the program is not based on the quiz-like system where players must choose the single right answer, the participants as both the leader and the member must think carefully about the real meaning of the organization’s core-value or management principles to decide on how they will present their cases or to whom they should give the extra points.
The program was intended to maximize the self-driven participation and immersion. As a follow-up after the gameplay, the wrap-up session contains a discussion on the reflection of the gameplay for participants to think about their decisions and think about what they have learned throughout the program. If necessary, tutorial videos and visual aids can be designed for the operation of the program without facilitators.
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add. 06222 6F Arena Bld., 425, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea tel. 82 2 545 7234 fax. 82 2 545 6230 mail. info@theplaycompany.co.kr
Corporate registration number. 592-86-00430 CEO. Yoon Jung Kang
© 2022 theplaycompany all rights reserved
add. 06222 6F Arena Bld., 425, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
tel. 82 2 545 7234 fax. 82 2 545 6230
mail. info@theplaycompany.co.kr
Corporate registration number. 592-86-00430
CEO. Yoon Jung Kang
© 2022 theplaycompany all rights reserved